Wednesday, October 21, 2009

October 25th Reflection on Trusting in God

God Provides When You Believe & Trust in Him

A Reflection of the Readings for October 25 2009

By Rev. Robert Johnnene OFD

Mission Saints Sergius and Bacchus Franciscans of Divine Mercy

Today’s readings have one common theme and it is, if you trust and believe in God with your whole being He will provide all your needs. at the proper time. We are also reminded to be on guard always against the power and temptations of the evil one.

The Gospel story tells how having faith in God and believing Jesus is the son of God who came to earth to proclaim God’s infinite love, mercy and forgiveness of God and to teach us the path to salvation.

The Gospel of Mark 10: 46-52, tells the story of the blind beggar, Bartimaeus, who, upon hearing Christ was close cried out for Christ to heal him. Jesus feeling the man’s faith said to Bartimaeus "Go your way; your faith has made you well." Immediately the blind beggar received his sight and followed Jesus faithfully from that day forward.

The message is a simple one and yet so many today seem to look elsewhere for help in all things.

Our human nature is so fickle that, unless we witness a miracle, we begin to question the truth of Christ’s teachings.

This brings me to the warning issued by St Paul in his epistle. “Put on the armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.”

One of the tools the devil uses is to have us question the truth of Christ teachings and the reality of Almighty God.

We need to be diligent in our quest to attain eternal salvation through Christ every moment of every day.

Some of those who followed Christ suffered persecutions and death, like the patron Saints of our ministry Sergius & Bacchus, in the name of Christ but many others achieved Everlasting glory by living live of compassion and charity for the poor, aged and sick. The one common factor of all who achieved sainthood was a deep and abiding faith which included worship and prayer.

Next Sunday we celebrate the feast of All Saints. All the Saints not only believed in God and the teachings of Christ but they lived them out daily in their lives. God desires us to have that same level of trust and faith in God. Our road to toward Christ is a lot easier than the martyrs but more difficult because of our societies focus on self gratification and achieving wealth and status.

The blind beggar Bartimaeus believed and trusted in God and the ability of Christ to cure him of his blindness and if we truly believe and have complete trust and faith in God like Bartimaeus all things are possible.

St. Paul reminds us that we also have to be on guard against the temptations of Satan to abandon God and seek only pleasure. The best armor to protect us from Satan’s temptations on our road of life in these times of self satisfaction and self gratification, is prayer, the Eucharist, and Faith and trust in God.

God’s promised salvation for ALL His children who believe in Him and seek God’s help to live according to the teachings His beloved son Jesus Christ as given in the Sermon On The Mount and in the Great Commandment; “Love the Lord, your God, with your whole heart, mind, soul and body and love your neighbor as you love yourself”

God is compassionate, merciful, forgiving and more loving than any human can ever be.

If we trust in God as the beggar in the gospel story did, God will provide us with what we ask if it is in our best interest and will help us to achieve everlasting life for all eternity.

The ultimate message to us is; with God, all things are possible, without God we are helpless and open to attacks from the devil. Christ told us; “If you trust me, you are trusting not only me, but also God who sent me.” (John 12:43-45) Let us go forth today committed to deepen our trust and faith in God and seek His guidance and strength to overcome temptations that we are faced with. Let us be more generous and compassionate toward those who are not as fortunate as we are. Let us accept each person we encounter as a brother or sister and extend to them the love. God gives to us. Let us always call to mind the words found in Matthew 7 :1-3 “For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.”

I close with this prayer;

Almighty and merciful God, grant me wisdom and understanding and the courage to live according to your ways. Endow me with the gifts of your Holy Spirit so that I will be unto all I encounter a reflection of your beloved son, Jesus Christ. Assist me to be less judgmental of others but show the same compassion and love as Jesus did to all who approached Him. Open my heart to become more accepting of all and more generous with the gifts you have provided me with. I ask this in the name of my redeemer and savior, Jesus Christ who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit as one God now and forever. AMEN

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